Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Life Has Just begun

Nice video creation of this Spirit song from the 12 Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus.

Oh hey, Kiowa
I know your name
Catch me a glancing with one of your eye
So much we are chancing if we said goodbye, ohh

Softly say you'll be my bride and
Our hopes all sun and feel, ahh
Say you'll always be here by my side
With the hopes all constantly, ohh we

Walked in the dream and we knew it was
Married in the dreams
Strange as it seemed that we knew because
Because life has just begun
Life has just begun, life has just begun
Because life has just begun

Hey Kiowa, I know your name
Hey Kiowa, I know your name

Walkin' in that sunny hour
(Hey, Kiowa)
I even know your names Atowa
(I know your name)
No war on the rocky hour
I meet some people of desire
(I know your name)

Walked in the dream and we knew it was
Strange as it seemed that we knew because
(Because life has just begun)
(Life has just begun)
Life has just begun
Life has just begun
Life has just begun
Because life has just begun
Because life has just begun
Because life has just begun

Sunday, October 02, 2011

H.H. Sakya Trizin at Padmasambhava Peace Institute

Iniciações do ciclo de Apong Terton no PPI from Windhorse online on Vimeo.

The reason I am posting this video is, it is of an important event around the first week of August of this year, at the Padmasambhava Peace Institute in Northern California. H.H. Sakya Trizin was giving the Red Tara cycle of empowerments to the Nymingma sangha of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. Since Red Tara is the heart practice of this lineage and it derives , in this case from the Sakya school, this was an important transmission, and people came from as far as India and Nepal just to attend.
And I wish I had been able to attend.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Quote from an aging English Major's memories

“Sickness is not only in body, but in that part used to be call: soul.”
Dr. Vigil in Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano

Friday, July 22, 2011

Il Dopolotta

Lately this has become my favorite song of the moment. From the soundtrack to the movie The Seduction of Mimi (1972). A simple funky song, but it has a lot of jazzy, bluesy, elements running thru it. By Piero Piccioni, who worked earlier with Ennio Morricone.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Morricone Rocks

Well have been on sort of a rediscovery of Morricone lately. Came across this video of a song of his from the soundtrack of Garden of Delight from 1967.
Really just an over the top song, that keeps getting more over the top as it goes.
Like all the Italian soundtracks from the late 60s getting mashed up all together.
Unusual to say the least:

Also check out the channel Morricone Rocks.